Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Plan Your Monthly Personal Budget Using Excel Spreadsheet

Plan your monthly personal or family budget without help from any tools should be a difficult task for you. The easiest way to plan your budget is to use help from Microsoft Excel. Use the following steps to create your own personal budget in excel spreadsheet :

1. Write down your daily expenses in one month period
Create four columns and label them with name "Date", "Description", "Category", and "Amount". Start filling the columns with your daily expenses. You can write any description for your expenses. Categorize it based on your defined category, and fill the amount of that expense.

2. Summarize your expenses
Create new columns and summarize your daily expenses into category where you have to use excel function to sum your daily expenses based on their category. Name the new columns with name "Category" and "Expenses". You can create it within the same spreadsheet or in separate spreadsheet.

3. Add budget column
Add a new column next to Amount column in step 2, and label it with name "Budget". Fill your "Budget" column with the same amount with "Expenses" column.

4. Subtract your monthly income with budget and expenses
Sum the total amount of your "Expenses" and "Budget" columns. Create new rows below "Budget" column, and label it "Income" and "Saving". Input your monthly income, and then in "Saving" cell subtract Income with total amount from "Budget" column. If the result is positive, you can use your expenses as your budget reference. If it is negative, you need to adjust your budget where you think you can save the expenses of that category, and try to commit on this budget on the following month.

You can follow those steps above to simplify your monthly personal budgets, or you can also find some personal budgets created in excel available in internet to ease your plan.

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