What is purchase order funding and why is it a perfect alternative to commercial loans? We will discuss that briefly in this article.
When businesses and/or companies have received a large order and is under capitalized or when their cost of goods exceeds their current line of credit, they need a reputable factoring company to fund them. Yes, commercial loans are a famous financing alternative. However, commercial loans have too many requirements and take so long to process. Let's compare and weigh the benefits of purchase order funding to that of a commercial loan.
1. Purchase order funding makes closing big sales so easy! In addition, it will be able to finance the large-scale orders of your customers. As for commercial loans, you get no chance to proceed with taking and doing your clients' orders unless you obtain your loan approval. A commercial loan is taxing your business by the possibility of losing your clients!
2. Purchase order funding does not evaluate you through your corporate accomplishment (equity, tax returns, etc.). Even startup and young but promising companies can run to a factoring company when they need immediate cash. In a commercial loan set-up, your company will have to accomplish numerous forms so that the lending company could proceed with evaluation. It does not end there; they also turn you down if you're just a small company. They look at your corporate size as a risk. In short, they fear you would not pay!
3. Purchase order funding can support and financially provide for the demands of your local and/or foreign suppliers. This is because your purchase order is treated as collateral. Hence, the factoring company is certain that everything will fall into place and that your business is worth supporting. Commercial loans do not pay your suppliers. If you get your loan application approved, you can pay your suppliers. The question is will the loan approval be as swift as that provided by a factoring company? We don't think so.
4. The factoring company will help you make sure that your sales will increase because of purchase order funding. They do not bombard you with big interest rates than lending companies do. A factoring company has minimal service fees.
5. Purchase order funding is swift! If you noticed, the previous paragraphs keep reiterating the tedious paperwork and waiting you go through when you seek loan from a lending investor. Commercial loans take your patience to the core that you now feel unsure of the growth of your business. The process of PO funding will take hours, not days.
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